We are delighted to inform you that the
13th Congress of the Serbian Society of Toxicology with international participation
& 1st TOXSEE Regional Conference
Present and Future of toxicology: challenges and opportunities
will be held from 10-12 May 2023 in Hotel Mona Plaza in Belgrade. The preparations are going according to plan, as we already informed you few months ago.
In the 1st announcement and on the Congress Website www.toxsee2023.com/en that we are sending to you, you will be able to find useful information on the main topics of the congress, as well as conditions and deadlines for abstract submission and registration deadlines.
In the following paragraphs, we will be updating you on plans of the Serbian Society of Toxicology and the concept of the 13th Congress and the regional TOXSEE Conference.
In the first two decades of the XXI century, we had an intensive activity trying to always stay tuned to leading international trends in the development of all relevant domains in Toxicology.
In the meantime, we have all been exposed to the highly complex global challenge of the Covid 19 pandemics, which, after more than two years, thanks to the great and integrated efforts of the profession and society as a whole, in all countries and regions of the world, is slowly stabilizing.
In the third decade of the twenty-first century, we are clearly facing, on a conceptual and technical level, new challenges that require innovative approaches and solutions.
The Serbian Society of Toxicology is determined to continuously develop and improve its activities, at the national and regional level. In cooperation with collegial associations and institutions in Serbia, Balkans and Southeast Europe – SEE region. As a regional leader, the Serbian Society of Toxicology formed the regional brand TOXSEE, with the idea to integrate and gather as many as possible leading experts from the region and Europe, in order to exchange experiences, establish stronger cooperation on a scientific and professional level and transfer practical knowledge to colleagues who deal with, or in their daily practice often encounter, toxicological problems.
Time imposes on us the need to integrate science, top knowledge and daily practice in a quality and efficient way, to contribute to the better health of the society as a whole in the most purposeful manner. To that end, cooperation with professionals from various clinical fields of medicine, different areas of the broader public health sector and the constantly growing domain of the ecology and environmental protection, directly related to toxicology in general, seems the only way forward, to further accelerate the development of our field. Therefore, one of the important conceptual steps at this Congress will be a thematic and functional collaboration with domains of emergency medicine, general medicine and paediatrics, in addition to already standard forensic medicine, through specialized symposia and sessions. The format of Congress will be developed in such a manner that the key toxicological topics will cover the entire congress, while topics from partner disciplines will be distributed on certain days, when in addition to colleagues from our domain, we expect the presence of a large number of experts from corresponding fields.
We are certain that, based on a modern concept as well as an attractive and dynamic program, and a number of top international and regional experts as invited lecturers, a large number of colleagues will find professional interest in joining the Congress, hear innovative concepts and exchange experiences, refresh existing and establish new contacts with colleagues, in a pleasant atmosphere of Belgrade in mid-May next year.
Below you can find the main topics of the congress, and soon we will be informing you on the details related to registration and abstract submission, as well as other important topics, through the Congress website www.toxsee2023.com/en and via regular promotional campaigns.
For any additional information, please feel free to contact the Congress Secretariat by mail at [email protected].
We look forward to meeting you in Belgrade, in May 2023.
Prof. dr Petar Bulat
President of the STC
President of the 13th STC Congress
Prof. dr Biljana Antonijević
President of the CSC of
the 13th STC Congress
Prof. dr Predrag Vukomanović
President of the COC of
the 13th STC Congress